Curiousity: How many books can I read in one year? How many will I remember?


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  • Your Cat's Just Not That Into You - Richard Smith
  • A Million Little Pieces - James Frey
  • The Bride Stripped Bare - Anonymous
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    Monday, January 09, 2006

    The Skeptic's Guide to the Paranormal - Lynne Kelly

    ISBN: 1560257113 (paperback)
    Thunder's Mouth Press (March 10, 2005)

    Book borrowed from the library.

    A pretty good read, which debunks a lot of common beliefs and misconceptions about "paranormal" activity. Some of her research however is dated, and some "famous" cases she cites are cases I'd never heard of before; while cases that are generally known worldwide were either dismissed or not even given mention. Still, she cleverly approaches topics with an almost hopeful skepticism. More than once she admits that with certain things, she wished there were evidence to the contrary.

    Time to read: A few days; kept putting it down to do other things. It's the sort of book you can put away a while and not lose your place.
    Rate: ***--
    Posted by: Slowplum at: 12:06 PM

